Sunday, 18 November 2012

Module 3: Ethics (Business Ethics)

Module 3: Ethics
Business Ethics

Recognizing Ethical Situations in a Business

When we look at ethics it is basically the concept and also the principles of human conduct, this also includes universal values both either in men or women and human rights. Respecting along with obeying the laws of land, worry of each and everyone’s health and safety and also the environment. In this assignment we’ll be looking at business ethics, business ethics can simply be described as how a business behaves when it comes to dealing with other countries in world. Business ethics do not only apply to businesses but to customers through a one on one encounter. Through out the years a lot of businesses through out have brought amongst themselves a bad reputation that has driven their businesses to the ground. Large number of people considers opening a business cause of money making, which is basically the outline of having a business. Operating a business and making money isn’t against the law, however manner in any business conduct brings about ethical behavior. In every business having excellent business ethics plays a vital role and also extremely important. Most business around the world, including famous bands that are being used by its public isn’t mush of good business ethics. Companies, businesses using other company brand names has been sued and also resulted in substantial fines of up to millions due to the breaching ethical business laws. Large number of businesses have breached anti trust along with environmental and ethical laws and had to face court, which have resulted over millions of dollar fines. Anti trust laws is basically a law that’s placed to promote free competition within the market place for business and companies.   
(Source: Wise Geek. By Kenneth W. Michael Wills. Retrieved: 17th November 2012.

Recognizing Ethical Situation Customer Service

Businesses everywhere tends to deal with customers and it is vital for its development in a business. In order to keep the reputation of a business or company it is best to have a policy where honesty to customers is the top priority. As a customer service reprehensive making promises to customers is often an ethical issue where promises that are made are not delivered upon. Most ethical situations we tend to see are businesses and companies thinking losing a customer will most definitely make them lose money, but they never realize that their business and company reputation is at state. Most companies and customer service reprehensive tend to lie though they do not have the ability to do so. Having honest customer service will surely gain their respect and also their business in the future. Sometimes bad customer service is achievable where customers tend to stand inline waiting for customer service or having a rude, not well-mannered person or an not well groomed person serving you. All this will reflect on the business and what it has to offer.
(Source: Business Ethics and Customer Service. By Samuel Johnstein. Retrieved: 17th November 2012.
Recognizing Ethical Situations at Workplace
Applying workplace ethics is vital to any working environment. It is the code of conduct that brings about inspiration to improvement and growth of ethical culture. Ethics the code of conduct at a working environment motivates and also boost employee communication, through this it acknowledges a persons respect allowing better customer relationships that are often the most important with integrity and honesty. There are two very vital factors that surround workplace ethics; workplace policy has to be in harmony along with regulations and laws, which are presently placed in force by authorities in every business, which are being operated. With this law in place it helps to help to prevent discrimination during work and also helps firing and unfair hiring practices in a workplace. Most employers or employees treat workers differently this usually comes down to them being gay, their skin color, religion and believes. Everyday people at work are treated unfairly which brings about ethical practice at work. If people continue to be treated unfair it may very well devastate morale. Usually we are treated unfairly through accident but sometimes a deliberate act and till this day at times treating a person at work unfairly is known to be illegal.
(Source: Helium. By Jen Thorpe. Retrieved: 17th November 2012.

Some employees tend to use company time as their personal use from chatting with friends over the phone, the use of company’s computers, etc. Some people tend to take credit for the things they didn’t do. As team players we all should be given credit for hard work and not be taken from someone. Everyday harassment at workplace is done and this is usually done on women. When a co-worker sites harassment whether sexually, physically or even mentally they worry about their jobs if they were to report such act and maybe conceded as a trouble maker at work.
(Source: Chron. By: Don Rafner. Retrieved: 17th November, 2012
Existing Economic Survival

In every business or company the most important thing is the economic development, which is its backbone in business. We all know that education is therefore very essential so that economical development can be achieved. Majority of people in the organization deprive to education and through this, it teaches them basic life skills along with how growth and strategies can be put in place and also survival in the economy. Through this, tension begins to unfold. As the day changes every now and then the survival rules tends to change, survival that of ordinary livelihood where getting a maintaining a business and getting a job becomes extremely hard. In a business people can’t stop changes since every business that are operating tends to make money. We all need to learn to knowledge these new changes since governments apply pressure on businesses to change. Most of these economical things change really quick which puts us in a position where we not ready to handle. The knowledge for the present seems untouched when it comes to education for economic survival. If we do not act now and practice there is relatively a high chance that in the future education being taught to our children will be a problem.
(Source: IIEMT. By: Suresh Nair. Retrieved: 18th November 2012.

Having good work and business ethics is essential to any business or company, whether is a big or small company it is important. Having good business ethics can really boost business dealings with customers and this also creates a window of opportunity to expend and grow its business. Having good workplace ethics can help prevent problems in the future with co workers and also helps communication in a working environment become more exciting where both parties respect each other and therefore respects once believe, religion and ethnic background.   


(Source: IIEMT. By: Suresh Nair. Retrieved: 18th November 2012.

(Source: Chron. By: Don Rafner. Retrieved: 17th November, 2012

(Source: Helium. By Jen Thorpe. Retrieved: 17th November 2012.

(Source: Business Ethics and Customer Service. By Samuel Johnstein. Retrieved: 17th November 2012.

(Source: Wise Geek. By Kenneth W. Michael Wills. Retrieved: 17th November 2012.

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