History Before Steam
Engines Were Invented.
the 1600’s before steam engines were even invented mankind could only achieve
three types of power sources. These three power sources were wind, water and
Wind Power
(Source: Brief History of Steam
Engine Power. Retrieved: 23rd August, 2012. http://johno.myiglou.com/SteamHistory.htm)
Animal Power
(Source: Brief History of Steam
Engine Power. Retrieved: 23rd August, 2012. http://johno.myiglou.com/SteamHistory.htm)
Water Power
(Source: Brief History of Steam
Engine Power. Retrieved: 23rd August, 2012. http://johno.myiglou.com/SteamHistory.htm)
Development of Steam Engines 1650 -
(Source: About.com Inventors. By
Mary Bellis. Retrieved: 23rd August, 2012. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blsteamengine.htm)
years passed by 1663 – 1729 a man called Thomas Newcomen who was an English
blacksmith invented an atmospheric steam engine. This atmospheric steam engine
was more of an upgrade or an improvement to the pervious crude steam engine
Thomas Savery invented. The invention of this new engine works through means of
forced pressure from the atmosphere. Through Thomas Newcomen’s new engine design,
the intensity of pressure from the newly designed engine is therefore not
limited once pressure is produced from the steam.
(Source: About.com Inventors. By
Mary Bellis. Retrieved: 23rd August, 2012. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blsteamengine.htm)
the following year, John Calley along with Thomas Newcomen constructed their very own
engine above a water filler shaft mine and therefore would operate through
means of pumping water out of the mine shaft. This was the very first engine
predecessor that of a Watt engine and by far the worlds interesting creation
ever built in terms of technology in 1700’s. 1736 – 1819 as the passing years
drove by a man named James Watt who was an inventor and also a
mechanical engineer from Scotland made massive improvements to the steam engine
invented by Thomas Savery. In the year 1736 James was given the duty to
an engine built by Thomas Newconmen which therefore was believed to have not
been functioning well. The only thing that James Watt’s changed was introducing
a condenser which was separated and connected a sort of cylinder through means
if a valve. With Watt’s new design, a condenser was built so that when the
cylinder of the engine is extremely hot the condenser would cool the cylinder.
With James Watt’s new design and improvement to the steam engine, it then
became about to be the most prevailing design ever made for modern day steam
engines and therefore this brought about the beginning of the industrial
(Source: About.com Inventors. By
Mary Bellis. Retrieved: 23rd August, 2012. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blsteamengine.htm)
Social Impact on Steam Engines
(Source: Helium. By Matthew Adams.
Retrieved: 28th August, 2012. http://www.helium.com/items/1788084-the-economic-impact-of-the-steam-train)
19th Century
Heritage of New Zealand Steam Railways
History.co.nz. Retrieved: 28th August, 2012. http://www.techhistory.co.nz/19thcentury/Steam.htm)
Present and Future of
Railway Transportation
this very day railway locomotive transportations has been proven to be very
efficient and also very profitable. Transporting people to and from places is
often an infrastructure of every country.
Electromagnetic Suspension
Electrodynamics Suspension
such as electromagnetic and electrodynamics suspension were the very first
introduced over a century. Shanghai, China had the very first maglev train
tested back in 2002. With the success of this newly developed locomotive it was
later introduced to the public in December 2003. With the train traveling at a
speed of 267mph it took less than 10 minutes to cover a massive 19 mile. Other
countries are now beginning to plan their very own maglev trains; however
Shanghai still remains as the first and only maglev line operating. With plans
in the U.S on maglev transportation, it was excessive. However plans of
resolving this is still under way.
How Stuff Works? By Kevin Bonsor. Retrieved: 28th August, 2012. http://science.howstuffworks.com/transport/engines-equipment/maglev-train3.htm)
To conclude in this
assignment there has been a massive change in terms development to locomotives
around the world. Through this assignment I learnt that back in the past it was
not always easy as to not having technology in our everyday life. Railways now
days has advanced to newer levels in terms of design and with new designs for
railways comes newly developed trains to better once daily life. Now days with the help of modern
day trains operating and better railways in almost every developed country it have proven to be a huge
advantage. Transportation wise has increased and having mentioned about the
maglev trains this is yet to be the most successful locomotive high speed train system in the world. From
my understanding, I believe that locomotives such as the high speed maglev
trains will be improved meaning someday someone like James Watts will reinvent
something similar to this modern type system and therefore will be a whole new
invention in future.
How Stuff Works? By Kevin Bonsor. Retrieved: 28th August, 2012. http://science.howstuffworks.com/transport/engines-equipment/maglev-train3.htm)
History.co.nz. Retrieved: 28th August, 2012. http://www.techhistory.co.nz/19thcentury/Steam.htm)
(Source: Helium. By
Matthew Adams. Retrieved: 28th August, 2012. http://www.helium.com/items/1788084-the-economic-impact-of-the-steam-train)
(Source: About.com
Inventors. By Mary Bellis. Retrieved: 23rd August, 2012. http://inventors.about.com/library/inventors/blsteamengine.htm)
(Source: Brief History
of Steam Engine Power. Retrieved: 23rd August, 2012. http://johno.myiglou.com/SteamHistory.htm)